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It can sometimes be confusing to know what your options are as an employee who has been legally wronged by your employer.  Most people are not litigious by nature and shy away from legal battles.

However, when your employer has violated your basic rights (such as a work place free from discrimination, harassment or retaliation), it is important to learn what your options are and what is the best course of action for your particular situation.  For example, not every case may be litigated to trial.  In fact, the majority of cases settle before trial.  Some cases may not even require litigation, and might be best resolved through negotiation and an amicable settlement.  Most employment cases first require filing complaints with a government agency.  All cases have unique statute of limitation deadlines which are extremely important not to overlook or you could waive your right to vindicate your employment rights.

At SLF, Supreeta Sampath, works strategically with her clients to navigate through complex legal issues and find the best course of action for each case.

The Sampath Law Firm Is Here for You

At The Sampath Law Firm, we focus on employment law and we are here to listen to you and help you navigate the legal system.

Contact Us Today

The Sampath Law Firm is committed to answering your questions about employment-related law issues and other workplace injustices in California.

We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
